DOB: 12/30/2020
Height: 19" Weight: 30# Health Testing: Optimal Selection Link OFA Link Hips OFA Good Elbows OFA Normal EAOD M/N MDR1 N/N CEA N/N TNS N/N DM N/N NCL N/N IGS N/N SN N/N PLL N/N EIC N/N BCG N/N BAER Normal Last CAER 5/23 Brucellosis Negative 8/24 Colors: Red Merle Tri b/b a/at kb/kb E/E D/D M/m Saddle +/+ c/c Registrations: AKC DN53391901 ABCA Pedigree |
Escape is our pick puppy from the Epic x Ryder litter. Tara was against a merle, but she wanted the calmest girl since she knew that cross could be extremely high drive. She was the mellowest rough coated girl and won us over with her sweeter demeanor. She started the mellowest, but Escape is a speed demon and high drive. She has no fear and loves any sport or activity. She has never met a stranger, but prefers herding all the other dogs to cuddles. She gets sheer joy from just running full speed for no reason whatsoever and loves going anywhere she can do zoomies. Tara used to take her to the training field when young to just run off her energy, which has become a bad habit when she is actaully training. She doesn't need anything to chase, just room to see how fast she can go. She has great food drive for a Border Collie and works for any treats for anyone. She also has toy drive at home and is always handing you a toy to throw. We are still working on playing with toys when away from home though. Escape lives for water and will not stay out of the pool. She is obsessed with puppies and wants to be a mother to all the babies. She is the honorary babysitter at Tara's and helps raise all the litters and younguns. She is a very gently girl and can be trusted with the tiniest puppy to wrestle. Escape is co-owned with Tara and will be living with her doggie siblings: Honor, Stormy, and Kanga.
Escape had her first disc lesson. She likes chasing the disc and caught her first rollers. We are starting on bite work and trying to get her to bring the disc back. Tara really can't throw a disc, but we are hoping Tyler will play her some if we can get her playing. She likes the bouncing and chasing, so the rest should come pretty naturally, even if it is just for fun and exercise with Tara.
Greedy Four Way Play Spaced Out Frizgility Time Warp Throw N Go Seven Up Funkey Far Out |
Total Points
Greedy Four Way Play Spaced Out Frizgility Time Warp Throw N Go Seven Up Funkey Far Out Top Score
Greedy Four Way Play Spaced Out Frizgility Time Warp Throw N Go Seven Up Funkey Far Out |
National Qualifier
Top Score
Leaderboard Top 100 Lifetime Best Rank Total Points
Leaderboard Top 100 Lifetime Best Rank |
Escape has started flyball classes. She is a quick little girl with an awesome box and perfect striding naturally. She picked up double laning easier than we thought she would and never even looked at the other dog. Unfortunately, she feels the ball should be an optional part of the game so we are focusing on getting the ball. At home she loves ball, but away from home she won't even look at it so that is a work in progress.
Escape LOVES the water and was jumping off the dock by 6 months old. In fact, we can't keep her out of the pool which has slowed her training other things, because once she is off leash, she is in the pool. She thinks dock diving is going to be a fun sport but we have some work to do on her popping rather than diving straight in. We are hoping she will be as good as Epic with some training and Tara will have her first competitive dock dog.
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