Coowns Coowns are dogs that do not live at our house permanently, but may still get bred by us or be used in our breeding program. Most of these dogs live with somebody else and we either get a puppy back for our program or we raise litters out of them. We do not coown with just anybody and most of our coowns are close family and friends. But occasionally a dog is something that we would love to keep in our program but does not fit what our current coowns are looking for. In that situation, I will either offer that dog available with breeding rights to an outside breeder or look for a new coown home. We have multiple different types of contracts for that, but prefer these dogs are in homes where they will at minimum get a lot of training so we can know their strengths and weaknesses, and preferably be in a home where they will be competing. Some of those dogs are in homes where they compete at the 4-H level, with people that are not extremely competitive but enjoy just doing some local shows, dogs trained for public show like fairs, and working farm dogs. But even with that we can tell a lot of the different strengths and weaknesses of the dogs and whether or not we would actually want to use it in our breeding program. Every year we coown multiple dogs, but we only use a couple of these dogs in our breeding program. Doing this allows us to be a little more selective of which dogs we will keep in our program for breeding and allows us to have more litters. This also allows us to keep a wider variety of lines and types in our breeding program. This also allows us to have a much larger breeding program, but not take away as much time from our personal dogs. That way we can still compete and train as much as we used to, but are now also offering more from a breeding standpoint. Despite the numbers of dogs, they can live in a home with a family rather than in a kennel environment.